Hi there, just call me gadgettweak and thanks for dropping by to my page, well I'm not that super techy guy but would love to try on new things particularly on gadgets, programs or any related to computers as well.

Whenever I got some new stuffs, that I usually search out if there are tweaks that can be done like on broadbands, pocket wifi's, android devices and so on since most of the time some gadgets are locked to a particular network or simply locked by the manufacturer so you could not make any modifications from the system.

Most of the time we as end product users just feel ok with what we purchase and leave it as is not knowing that with some tweaks we can maximize the usage of such devices.

More or less I'm so much fascinated with technology, doing everything I can to learn new stuffs at the same time sharing it with others.

If you happen to have some cool stuffs like gadgets, softwares etc that you wish to be featured in my blog for review feel free to drop me a message by using the contact section.
